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latexdesires Publisher 1 year ago
Thank you Master.  Your attention to detail is a important and valuable trait - one that I look up to and admire and to which I aspire.  In that video the chocker is over the neck of my hood, but under my latex jacket; thus, one can only see the choker at the front, where the zipper is slightly down (for aesthetic affect, of course).  I could be wrong, Master (you know I often am!); but, I believe a different - larger and more substantial collar - might be needed to go round the outside of the neck of the jacket.  Obviously, I would like be presented in the best way prior to being used by men of your choosing.  Thank you Master Intox.
latexdesires Publisher 1 year ago
Yes, in my most recent blowjob video, I am wearing this same jacket with my choker.  I have the zip down just a little so that you can see my choker, but only at the front.  I don't think it works to wear the chocker outside the jacket, but perhaps slut is wrong about that.  Thank you for being so attentive to detail, Master.
latexdesires Publisher 1 year ago
Despite my dissimulation, you divine this nun's true nature, Master.
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